Ya snooze, ya lose

The most telling way of how your day will pan out is by how it starts. If I start my morning out on a positive note, my day usually follows suit. I find my morning routine to be beneficial to my happiness and perspective of life. Although I cannot claim to follow this morning routine every single day (because let’s be real…8 a.m.’s), I have made it a habit to try and follow my routine most days of the week. Without further ado, here is my morning routine.My Morning Routine


6:30 a.m. YA SNOOZE, YA LOSE

The most important part of my morning routine: Waking up! I know if I press that snooze button, I won’t be getting out of bed until far later than intended, and I won’t get done what I need to do.  As much as I don’t want to, I brave the cold as I crawl out of my warm cocoon of a bed so that I can get the show on the road. I keep a bottle of water on my beside table, and down it as soon as I get up (this kickstarts the good ol’ metabolism and also helps to make you feel more awake).


Next , I do something to get my blood flowing. This varies day to day, as some days I am feeling ambitious and take Molly for a run, whereas other days I choose to stretch or do yoga for around 15-20 minutes. The main point here is to wake your body up so that you can start the day with full force.


Some days I just throw a hat on and rock the no-makeup look, but there is nothing I love more than a warm shower in the morning. Also, doing my makeup is something that relaxes me, so if I have time, I like to do it. I usually pick my outfits (which are rather simple) at night, so that I have one less thing to do in the morning.


IMG_8510Probably my favorite part of my morning routine:
FOOD (because by now, I’m hangry). Breakfast food is my favorite food, so I like to make something substantial. My favorite breakfast combo as of late has been a slice of toast with smashed avocado, a fried egg, and some berries. Now, let’s not forget the most important part, which is obviously coffee.

While I eat my breakfast from the Heavens, I like to read the Bible. Everything I read is on my iPad; I use the app She Reads Truth. This app is user friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and also has free bible studies, as well as bible studies that you can purchase. I enjoy starting my mornings with the Lord; my days seem to go more seamlessly when I have the Word in the back of my mind.

I hope I inspired you to create or add to your morning routine. What is something you do every morning to have a good day?

Until next time,


5 thoughts on “Ya snooze, ya lose

  1. This is awesome! I’ve been trying to get a better morning routine together and implement the Lord to start my day. Waking up and getting out of my bed is sometimes the hardest thing to do for me, so I plan on praying in the mornings as I wake up i hopes of making my day more serene 🙂

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